LEFTISTS CALL FOR CLIMATE EMERGENCY DECLARATION: Fraudulently elected Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs has declared a “heat state of emergency” in the desert state of Arizona. Last week, Hobbs urged Biden to “take action to address the extreme heat we are facing.” Washington Democratic Governor Jay Inslee said, “It seems like the whole world is on fire.” Inslee demanded, “We need to decarbonize our economy so these fires don’t ravage us. There’s not enough firetrucks in the world to protect us if we don’t stop climate change.”
These climate cult proponents would have us believe that every weather event is an example of “climate change.” The weather of the 1930s completely disproves their nonsense about climate change, since the nation experienced the most extreme weather and temperatures in our history.
These globalists have been pushing this climate hogwash since the 1800s. Notice that the the only solution these people push is giving the government sweeping powers that will impoverish the masses of humanity even further.
So-called “green energy.” is a complete scam. Most of these solar panels, lithium materials for batteries come straight out of China, cause more pollution, and use more fossil fuels than they will every save.
You must realize that these globalist elites do not care a bit about the climate or the people they claim to represent. They are completely motivated by greed and power. We are already witnessing the dire results of these green policies that are driving fuel prices up. This in turn forces everything else to climb in price.
Biden’s Climate Czar, John Kerry, declared, “Stopping farmers from growing food will lower agriculture “emissions,” He continued by noting that he does not even call it climate change anymore. “It’s not change; it’s a crisis,” he declared. https://eraoflight.com/2023/05/31/john-kerry-farmers-must-stop-growing-food-to-meet-net-zero-goals-for-emissions/
The simple fact is that carbon feeds plants and our planet is far too low on carbon emissions already.
More carbon dioxide makes plants more efficient
Since the beginning of the last century, photosynthesis on a global scale has increased in nearly constant proportion to the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Both are now around 30% higher than in the 19th century, before industrialisation began to generate significant emissions.
Carbon dioxide fertilisation is responsible for at least 80% of this increase in photosynthesis. Most of the rest is attributed to a longer growing season in the rapidly warming boreal forest and Arctic. https://theconversation.com/yes-more-carbon-dioxide-in-the-atmosphere-helps-plants-grow-but-its-no-excuse-to-downplay-climate-change-130603
People must wake up to the stark reality that the entire push of the climate agenda by globalists is to bring about mass starvation to kill off as many people as possible! These people are not our allies, they are your enemies. The media, and climate change proponents are the “useful idiots” who will help bring about their agenda.
Contrary to what is being pushed, this will not save the planet but instead enslave the planet!
Wake up and don’t drink their Kool-Aid.
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