Strengthening marriages
More coming soon!
Knowing how to love your spouse in the way they receive love, and how you most feel loved is so incredibly helpful in a marriage!
What is your love language? What is your spouse's love language? Find out here!
Lion/choleric, golden retriever/phlegmatic, melancholy/beaver, sanguine/otter... what do all of these things means? And how can understanding it help my marriage? These are words used to describe the types of temperaments we are born with: our natural strengths and weaknesses. When you know why you and your spouse are the way that you are, it opens up understanding, consideration, and respect toward one another.
Learn your temperament here and here!
~Reaching today’s children, training tomorrow’s leaders in the faith~
But Jesus called them to Him, saying, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16 (ESV)
Children are very capable of learning deep spiritual truth, just as readily as an adult. Both children and adults receive the same Holy Spirit when they are born of God. Therefore children by the power of the indwelling Spirit have the ability to do the very same things adults can do spiritually speaking.
Our objective is to ground children in Biblical truth, while at the same time cultivating an environment that encourages them to step out and exercise their spiritual gifts.
Living Faith Church offers preschool and elementary-age ministry to children in a children’s church format. Our children join us for worship in the sanctuary and then are dismissed to attend children’s church following the worship portion of our service.
Little Lambs Nursery: ages 0-2 (nursery volunteers available for care during service)
Dynamites: ages 2-5
Covenant Kids: ages 6-12
If you are interested in serving in the children's ministry as a nursery worker or children's church teacher please contact us and we will connect you with the children's ministry director.
"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!"- D.L. Moody